Formula VS Functions in Excel/ spreadsheet
Welcome to the new blog :-) In this blog I will tell you what's basic difference between formulas(formulae) and functions while using Excel. For an example, Formulas are like homemade pizza where we can add things with variety and quantity by our own taste. AND Functions are like pizza from Domino's or Pizza Hut, where we just tell name, size or extra cheese(all the arguments). Not fully customized. It is fine to make single or double topping pizza at home (formulas using operators only). But as we all know most of the time we have lack of experience, lack of ingredients (options) at home to make pizza (formula writing) Which makes the pizza bit different from Domino's and even less tasty(functional). At this point readymade pizza come more handy so we order it(use functions which are inbuilt) Definitions :- Formula : A set of instructions used to perform a calculation using the data in a spreadsheet. Example of formula :- = (B3+A2)*5 Function : A preset command...