Deep dive in Excel

Welcome back to my blog, 

If you can use MS Excel efficiently and take out insights from data, you are a data analyst. 

Yes being a data analyst doesn't mean you have to know python or SQL or any other fancy stuff. 

So when we talk about Excel we have image of cell(rectangles) where we input out data. After that we make table and then use conditional formatting like things. 

But when we go beyond that we are on the path to analyse the data. 

So let's start it :- 
Step 1 - We open the data and remove duplicates 
We go to data tab and locate to remove duplicates icon then click it. Duplicates are gone.
The thing to have in mind during that step, never select a row while removing duplicates it will remove values in that specific column only but we want to check all attributes then remove duplicates. 

Step 2- find null values, so the easiest way to do this is first select a null cell, then go to select similar all the null values are selected now. We just give the a colour by conditional formatting. 

Step3 - we can find average or mean of particular column values and then fill those null with this value. 

After filling the null values, let's take out insights. 
We can find max or min values in a column. average value of the column. We can sort values and make pivot table of values. To use it further. 

Then we go to insert tab and insert charts. 

I will explain all in next blog so till keep learning and bye.


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